Experimental Moving Image Collection Presented by Ambiguity Film

This experimental moving image collection, presented by Ambiguity Film and programmed by Li Xinxin, is part of the exhibition "Create Dangerously: Faces of Contemporary Chinese Artists." It aims to create a historical snapshot of Chinese experimental moving image history through a diachronic approach. The works of five representative artists span 20 years, covering conceptual art, performative video, archival footage, hand-drawn animation, and 3D animation. The themes evolve from deconstructing national discourses and historical memory to exploring the dilemmas of being global citizens. The topics explored include media reflection, the impacts of global capitalism, pandemics, and issues of race and gender. Programme supported by Film Hub London, managed by Film London. Proud to be a partner of the BFI Film Audience Network, funded by the National Lottery. www.filmlondon.org.uk/filmhub.PT52M18 TBC2024-09-13Experimental Moving Image Collection Presented by Ambiguity Film"Experimental Moving Image Collection Presented by Ambiguity Film"


September 13, 7:00 pm

Genesis Cinema | Mile End